Undertale is a rightfully beloved indie RPG. The game drops you in the middle of a world that seems light-hearted, silly, dark, enigmatic, and melancholy all at the same time. The characters are charming, and the dialogue is clever with plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor. As the game unfolds, you're introduced to a very complex and emotional lore. The decisions you make alter the story and world around you, sometimes permanently. It's the only game I've played where you can win fights without taking any aggressive action. As the story gripped me, I found myself projecting my own morality into my character's choices without wanting to play any other way. The game beings slowly, but by the end I found myself engrossed and 100% emotionally invested. My jaw dropped more than once as I learned new details about the story. I can't speak for all possible play throughs, but the way I chose to play the game resulted in an overall positive message that I believe strongly in my own personal life.
The battle system is unique and the gameplay is fun, but this game is truly driven by the characters and story. The soundtrack is very effective and inspires heavy-hitting emotion at just the right times. The graphics are "retro" but genuinely add to the charm of the game.
My main complaint is that there's virtually no way to play casually through the game without making undesirable lasting consequences. I had to spend some time on forums reading... which you can cautiously do without spoiling what's next... because I didn't have the time to play through the game several times to learn through trial and error (like many die-hard fans do).
Overall, I recommend this game. It's a unique experience that highlights the joy of gaming being a vastly diverse entertainment medium.
Schei Score: 9/10
Time to Beat: Nine hours
Time to Truly Complete and Learn without Reading Forums: 50ish hours (best guess)
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